We’ve optimized Clipsmash to let you easily clip the best parts out of long videos and smash clips together into a video compilation.
Our easy interface lets you find the perfect start or end frame in minutes
Tag your clips to quickly find them in the project dashboard or use them in the Smash Builder
Export Clips as MP4s or bring them into the Smash Builder to create a highlight video
Use your tags to filter through your assets
If you’re making a Smash with action video – like sports – our new feature lets you pick a frame to pause the playback and then circle a player or event.
You can customize the shape, size and color of your highlight. Pause for one second or longer. You decide
Export to 1:1, 4:3 or 16:9 ratio
Choose export quality from Full HD, HD and standard
Enjoy free for 7 days. All features available, unlimited exports with watermark